About RosieCentral

Once Upon a Time...
We Wrote a Book that Launched a Business!
When we went out to promote Rosie's Daughters: The "First Woman To" Generation Tells Its Story, we couldn't find a red-and-white polka dot bandana anywhere. So we made our own. The book sold well, but our Original Rosie Legacy Bandanas have become a juggernaut. That was more than a dozen years ago, and we've been responding to your Rosie wants and needs ever since.
...And Then the 19th Amendment Centennial Happened.
About two two years ago, we started thinking about expanding RosieCentral to focus on discovering Amazing Women. Our dream came true in 2020. In honor of the centennial for the the 19th Amendment, we introduced our Victoria and Nannie figures and a new product line celebrating the women (and men) of the American suffrage movement.
Thanks to You, We Continue to Grow...
RosieCentral is a small, women-owned business that has been selling online and supplying museums for more than 10 years. Our anchor products have been a line of authentic Rosie the Riveter gear--carefully researched and reproduced for historical accuracy.
With the centennial celebration of the 19th Amendment, we decided to expand our products to include another group of strong American women--the Suffragists. We're bringing the same historical accuracy to our suffragist product line.
And this is only the beginning
...Discover Amazing Women with Us
Rosie, Wendy, Victoria and Nannie have taught us a lot. Women are amazing. Their determination, courage and resourcefulness every day is an inspiration to us. And we're having fun discovering amazing women--famous and not as well known. We hope our stories, costumes, fabric ornaments and figures will help inspire you as we share special lives and help you discover the amazing woman inside you.